To publish on Thule it is necessary to present a text drafted according to Thule’s typographic norms by sending it to The text, if accepted by the Editorial Committee, will be subjected to a double blind reference and, if approved, will be included in the editorial plan of the magazine.

  • If the Author does not respect the typographic standards, the deadlines or the text extension, hereinafter described, he/she will be automatically excluded from the publication.
  • The text submitted by the Author will be regarded as definitive and complete in every parts. Editorial staff will be in charge of the first and second proofreading (unless there is a different agreement with the Author); only setting errors will be considered.
  • For the publication, the complete text of the speech (bibliography and notes included), should not be longer than 60.000 characters (spaces included), and it must be sent by e-mail to both your own coordinator and to the Editorial staff ( within the 20 of July 2019. The text must be accompanied by an abstract of minimun 400 and maximum 800 characters in the language in which it is presented and in English.
  • The text must be accompanied by an abstract of minimum 400 and maximum 800 characters in the language in which it is presented and in English.
  • The text must be unpublished until the official publication in the volume of the Thule’s Journal and they cannot be published, entirely or partially, in no other way; only after such publication they can be published specifying the volume of the Thule in which they have been published.
  • Author’s first name (complete) and family name, together with her/his main qualification, must be placed under the title of contributions.
  • The Editorial staff of the review and the referees can suggest to the Authors amendments in their text; in any case, they are the only responsible for every final decision about acceptance of the articles for publication. Contributions not accepted for publication will not be returned.
  • In order to facilitate the anonymous evaluation of the text, references to the name of the Authors should be avoided.
  • The Author can insert pictures in the paper, but they should not be larger than 5 MB in total and the definition of such pictures should not be lower than 200 DPI.
  • The Author can send, together with the paper, a presentation file in Power Point format not larger than 20 MB, that will be inserted in the digital version of the publication.
  • The Author can send, together with the paper, a short video file in AVI or MPEG format not longer than 5 minutes, that will be inserted in the digital version.
  • The Author can send, together with the paper, an audio file in MP3 or WMA format not larger than 5 MB, that will be inserted in the digital version.
  • Authors are asked to adopt the following graphic conventions:
  • Names of ethnic, cultural, linguistic, religious, political and ideological groups should be written with capital letter [e.g.: Phoenicians, Melanesians, Europeans, Bororo (also Bororo Indians, and Bororo communities), Pentecostals].
  • Names of institutions, corporations, associations, scientific societies and other collective structures should be written with capital letters in all component words [e.g.: Centro Studi Americanistici “Circolo Amerindiano”; Écoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México]. Acronyms should be written in small caps, with initial capital letter [e.g.: Csaca; Ehess; Unam] except when also conjunctions, articles, and preposition are part of the acronym [e.g.: Comitato di Redazione = CdR].
  • Names of historical or chronological periods will be written with a capital letter [e.g.: Renaissance, Middle Age, Eight, Twentieth century (of course, XX century will be also accepted)].
  • Numerals should be written in figures when expressing dates, measures or costs, and in case of lists; in letters in the remaining cases.
  • In order to create a bulleted list, the Author should respect the following graphic conventions:

A) In the case the list is composed only by principal points, without any further sub-specifications, it is necessary to use the bulleted list that corresponds to the black point, for example:

components identificativos son:

• El sustrato natural

• Acción humana: modificación y/o alteración de los elementos naturales

• Actividad desarrollada

B) In the case further specifications linked to the principal points are necessary, they can be put in sequence and distinguished by the graphic sign hypen [ - ], for example:

se encuentran asociados a edificios religiosos o monumentos de otra índole:

• El paisaje orgánicamente evolutivo.

Tales paisajes reflejan el proceso de evolución en sus características morfológicas y sus componentes.

Se dividen en dos sub-categorías:

- El paisaje vestigio (o fósil).

- El paisaje activo.

C) Numbered listed are not allowed.

D) The rule about bulleted lists should be applied only in the case of proper bulleted lists. For lists like the one present in the following example (that is lists whose elements are distinguished by any other format - capital Roman numerals, lowercase letters) it is not necessary to apply such rule:

I argue that the notion of predation/appropriation among Waorani have been historically implicated in (I) the mutual predation between enemies (warani) and outsiders (cowori) and, consequently, in the construction of Waorani self-identity and social body; (II) in the way in which Waorani traditionally got cowori goods by riding instead  that  by  trading; (III) in the fact that they occasionally abducted/familiarized woman, children and supernatural spirits in shamanic context; and, finally  (IV) preferring a food procurment economy out of an environment that is thought as wealthy and “naturally abundant” (Rival L. 1996).

  • In the text of the article, formulas like “cfr.”, “op. cit.” or similar should be avoided.
  • In the text of the article, both bold characters or words, and underlined words, should be avoided.
  • When Authors want to emphasize a specific o metaphorical usage of a term, they should put it in quotation marks [“ ”].
  • Terms in dialect or in foreign language, if not accepted as a part of text’s language, should be written in italics.
  • Quotations, both separated and inserted in the text, should be written in quotes [« »]. Since the same holds for quotations from sources in a foreign language, italics are no longer needed.
  • For the asides it is always necessary to use the dash [ – ], in the further cases it is necessary to use the hypen [ - ].
  • Direct speech: the Author should report it in the paper respecting the following rule of graphic insertion:

- È stato un lungo viaggio?

- Lungo e difficile in verità.

That is: hypen, space, question (or first statement); then hypen, space, answer (or second statement). The following example is a quote between quotes composed by a direct speech. The direct speech within a quote should be inserted respecting the following way: Examples:

« - Quando si parla di relazioni, in concreto, di cosa si tratta? Di telefonate, di riunioni?

- Ci sono ruedas,  mitín [riunioni] generali. In Salvador per esempio… c’era un leader molto carismatico. Veniva molto in Guatemala, ma anche in Honduras. Eppure si muovevano in molti dal Guatemala

- Dal Guatemala al Salvador, dal Salvador al Guatemala

- Sì e partecipano a mitín generali… esponevano problemi che stavano succedendo in uno dei paesi».

Notes, with a progressive number, should be placed at the end of the text (i.e. they must not be footnotes), before References or a full Bibliography. They should be introduced by the title “Notes”. For technical reasons, both note numbers and reference numbers in the text of the article should be put in brackets ( ); they should have the same body as the text, and added spaces between word and reference number should be avoided. When edited in phototypesetting, such numbers will be placed in apex.

  • In order to express a Bibliographycal references or full Bibliography , i.e. in abridged references both in the text and notes, Authors are asked to adopt the following conventions:
  • In brackets, they should write family name (in small caps) and first name (initials only) of the author referred to, then the date in which the work has been edited, and in case of quotes or specific references the number of page(s) preceded by a colon and a space. E.g.: (De Martino 1961: 19) and (De Martino E. 1961: 19-22).
  • For references to more than one work of the same author edited in different years: (De Martino 1949, 1950).
  • For references to more than one work of the same author edited in the same year: (De Martino 1948a, 1948b).
  • For references to works edited in more than one edition, the year of the original edition in square bracket should follow the year of the quoted edition: (De Martino 1973 [1948]).
  • For references to works edited in translation, the year of quoted translation will be followed by the year of original edition in square brackets: (Lévi-Strauss 1960 [1955]).
  • For references to works edited by one or more authors: (De Martino cur. 1962).
  • For references to works written by more than one author: (CoeD. - Diel R.A. 1980); in case there are more than three authors only the first one will be quoted, followed by et al. (Corin E.E. et al.), whereas all of them will be written in Bibliography.
  • The Author can use the preposition apud, which substitutes the expression “quoted from” and identifies the quote of a quote to which the Author hasn’t accessed directly, but only through a third work. In the bibliographic reference in the body of the text, being apud a Latin word, it should be written in italic, like et al. Examples:

(apud Cavalcanti M. 2004: 58): la citazione oggetto di riferimento è stata reperita presso Cavalcanti, opera del 2004, pagina 54 (non che Cavalcanti è il primo autore della citazione). Nella bibliografia finale andrà inserita l’opera di Cavalcanti, in quanto opera consultata.

(Almeida R. 1942: 52 apud Cascudo L. 1962: 140): la citazione il cui primo autore è Almeida, opera del 1942, pagina 52, è reperibile presso l’opera di Cascudo del 1962 a pagina 140. Nella bibliografia finale andrà inserita sia l’opera di Cascudo, in quanto opera consultata, sia quella di Almeida in quanto opera e pagine di riferimento di cui si conoscono gli estremi

For the final bibliography, the Authors will use the Excel file attached, inserting the entry related to the mentioned works from the line number 2, without changing anything in the line number 1 (header) and without changing the column order.

Download Bibliography.xlsx

Explanation: the columns from A to J contain the information about all kinds of single works; the ones from K to O contain the information about collective works; the ones from P to T contain information about papers in periodicals; the columns U and V contain information about single works and the ones from W to Y contain information about web references.

In the columns C-F can be inserted the last name and the first name of the authors in the case of works with more than one author. If the authors are more than 3, the Authors should indicate the other names in the columns following the letter Z (which is included).

  • For web references or full Web References, in the texts or in the notes, the Authors should follow the rules related to the insertion of “References or full Bibliographies”, listed above. In addition, being a work consultation on a web page, it should be inserted, within the same parenthesis, the web link through which the Author did the consultation online, preceded by a colon and a space (Echevarría B. 2008: In the case it is necessary to indicate also the number of a page, such number should be written before the web link, followed by a comma and by a space (Echevarría B. 2008:42, The link formatting should respect the one used for the rest of the text, without any difference in colour or underline.
  • Also for the References to complete web pages, which form the final “Web Reference”, it is necessary to use the same Excel file attached for the final Bibliography, as indicated in the Excel file attached as example. In the Web Reference, even in the case of a reference to web pages completely indicated in a note or in the text of the paper, the Authors should follow the rules listed in the “References or full Bibliographies” above. In addition, the Authors are asked to insert the web site, the link to the web site and the date of consultation of the web page in the related columns. Even in this case, like the reference in the body of the text, the link formatting does not take in consideration underlines or different colours.

Only for web references in the body of the text of the paper: the date of consultation of the web page should not be preceded by any kind of conjunction, but only by a comma that it is placed right after the web link, and by a space. Independently by the language in which the paper is written, the format of the date is GG/MM/AA, and such date is referred to the effective date of consultation of the page, and not to the date in which the Web Reference is written.

Insertion of Manuscript References: the Author can insert this type of documents, the manuscripts, which can be anyway inserted in the final Bibliography, separately. The insertion, whatever it is, should respect the order of appearance of the information and the graphic conventions used for the Bibliography. The information inserted should allow to track down the work to which the Author referred and the following elements are needed: Author (if known, otherwise the form “anonymous” can be used), year (if known), work title, publishing house, city. If the manuscript is unpublished, but it is preserved in a museum, company, institution, etc., it is necessary to insert the name of the company that preserves the manuscript, the name of the fund (if existing), the number of the documents and all the details needed to track down the quoted part, in the case the Author referred to a specific part of the document.

Articles written for the survey “Observatory” – edited by the editorial staff of the review, or specifically asked to single contributors – should be submitted to additional criteria in order to give more information concerning quoted publications (e.g. the pages of a given volume, or his place in a specific collection); further criteria should be used when dealing with different materials, such as degree or PhD thesis, films and videotapes. Those criteria, usually in charge of the Editorial staff, will be communicated to external Authors in case they were requested similar contributions.