
CSACA, following its basic philosophy of study and diffusion, since its beginnings, engages in local, regional, national and international teaching activities, planning, organizing and promoting knowledge and learning aimed at adults, children, families, schools, students of all levels and degrees and specialists in the sector.

We provide courses for specialization and revision carried out in various sectors, public and private, through the interdisciplinary involvement of institutions and research centers around the world, as well as of experts in human, social and natural sciences, in response to user needs and the territory.

CSACA carries out activities through:


  • training courses relating to cataloging / exhibition techniques, with particular reference to archaeological and demo-ethno-anthropological materials at national and international level;
  • training projects created by teachers of every area and grade to be included in school curricula in order to reduce early school abandonment and prevent risky behaviors such as racism, xenophobia, bullying, etc.;
  • environmental and naturalistic education and awareness courses;
  • courses aimed at teachers of all levels and degrees on issues related to the territory and concerning the enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage.


Product of this framework, the CSACA carries out the following permanent activities:


  • Curricular internships for national and international university students;
  • Activities with groups of school groups of all levels;
  • Language and culture courses.


Curricular internships can be carried out in different areas, determined by the student and the tutor, respecting their personal inclinations, course of studies and previous skills. The Centro Studi offers the opportunity to choose from the following:  

• Administrative management and public relations

• Planning

• Publishing

• Management of demo-ethno-anthropological material

• Library management

• Audiovisual material management

• Congress management


The Centro Studi works with 5 languages, so these activities require a minimum of proficiency in Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish or English, all official languages. In this way, students have the opportunity to improve and develop their linguistic knowledge, both written and oral, as well as to mature the skills required by the sector chosen for the curricular internship.


Together with other institutions, a master's degree is being developed which should  start in the early months of 2021.

They are visits designed and built having the students in mind, to accompany them to discover the demo-ethno-anthropological heritage of the Centro Studi, found at the Perugia head office. The main purpose of the visits is to involve students in the collective and personal reworking of the notions learned during the course, learning to relate to different objects, words, foods, stories, which are difficult to meet in their own educational path. The intent is to encourage creative cooperation between students to discover the otherness, without being frightened by diversity but knowing how to seize, instead, the opportunity for growth and constructive confrontation.


The A.N.D.E. project (Otherness, New Definition of Migration), active for several years, also thanks to funding from the Umbria Region, and in which hundreds of students of all levels and degrees have participated and continue to participate, is an emblematic example: the idea behind it is of an education that can and must be a bridge, which allows to replace stereotypes and prejudices with critical thinking and constructive confrontation.

Preparatory courses on American studies of Portuguese and Spanish languages and culture are held annually at the CSACA head offices in Perugia.

Over the years, we have also given Quechua, English, French and Italian language lessons.