Members Rights

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

the Centro Studi Americanistici “Circolo Amerindiano”, in 0ver 40 years of activities has offered a space for the gathering of people and the exchange of ideas, where investigators and students could present their own work and discover the work of others, in different fields of study; where those interested in the cultures from the Americas could receive proper information; where our studies could become (as they did, through our countless activities) the instrument for the development of a new conscience on the Other, wherever and however it’s found.

Now the Centro Studi wants to extend this space and these activities, and it wants to offer its members the fruits of its long tradition of serious and passionate work and the credit acquired through it. Having access to the material, new spaces for the exchange of ideas and for publication, sponsorships and the avowal of their own investigations, there could be new opportunities for their activities.

Thus, the Centro Studi has created a new website with new sections, among which a Reserved Page and with new possibilities for participation.

With these changes we see take the task to publish and make our own Journal: Thule. Rivista italiana di studi americanistici accessible.

All this was done after a long period of development and great work.

It has become also a great challenge.

To you, Friends and Colleagues, we address ourselves now so you would walk this path with us. This is why we invite you to subscribe: this will give us a fundamental support, and to you many opportunities that we resume in the following list, found in the Members’ Rights.



The subscription to the Centro Studi Americanistici “Circolo Amerindiano” (CSACA), beyond contributing to its activities, gives the following rights:


General rights

    1. To participate to the Centro Studi’s scientific and associative life as a full member and receive certifications for those events
    2. To receive the Annual Membership card in PDF


Membership Reserved Page

    1. To access the Membership Reserved Page, through a username and password given by the Centro Studi for its website, where many membership reserved publications will be accessible online;
    2. To publish volumes, articles, notes or brief texts in the Membership Reserved Page;



    1. 50% discount on the panellist fee for the International American Studies Congress in Perugia and for all the other congresses or seminars organized (Salerno, Mexico, etc.); for the discount its necessary to be subscribed to the current year, having payed the fee;
    2. To propose and coordinate sessions in the next Congress (although some guidelines have to be followed and the Scientific Committee has to approve);
    3. To be subscribed automatically as a non-panellist to the next International Americanistic Studies Congress.


Publication for Members

    1. To propose texts for publication at the Collana di Studi Americanistici (with the approval of the Comitato di Redazione and after the peer review process);


Members’ investigations and CSACA researcher title

    1. To present your own investigation projects to the Centro Studi so that they can be included, with approval, as a Centro Studi’s project and be publicised in the webpage;
    2. To present as candidate for the title of Centro Studi Americanistici “Circolo Amerindiano” Researcher for the membership year, with the possibility of renewal (this title is given by the Scientific Committee and deliberated by the Directive Council of CASCA);
    3. To present as a research member of the Centro Studi (after the approval from the Directive Council) in scientific and academic events;


Sponsorship for other activities and publications, for Members

    1. To the CSACA’s sponsorship (after the approval from the Directive Council) for events organised by members, given they are about Americanistic studies;
    2. The possibility of sharing members’ articles and investigations (with the author’s request and after the approval from the Directive Council) in the website and blog, as an abstract with the possibility of integral publication –not downloadable- in the Reserved Page;
    3. The inclusion of news about publications by members in the website, in the section about editorial news (after approval);


CSACA’s publications

    1. To acquire the printed volumes of Rivista italiana d studi americanistici (n. 1-33) at the price of € 100.00 plus shipping expenses.


Access to CSACA’s documental heritage

    1. To gain access (through the Member’s Reserved Page) to the Library’s database, as well as those of the Ethnographic Collection of the Americas “Gerardo Bamonte” and the Audio and Video Documental Centre “Daniele Fava”;
    2. To ask for the scanning of 15% of any 3 volumes from the Library, per year.



For the current year the fee is € 70.00.

The first subscription to the Centro Studi Americanistici “Circolo Amerindiano” can be made at any moment of the year.



The subscription’s renewal can be done until the 28° of February of each year.

Il Presidente

Romolo Santoni